horizon of nature: nimble terns flying in stormy weather -pg电子游戏麻将胡了
on the afternoon of september 5th, as typhoon hinnamnor approached, dongqian lake witnessed strong winds that made walking difficult. yet flocks of the common tern were still active in the sky, occasionally dipping into the lake to catch fish. these seabirds are lightly-built, have v-shaped tails like the swallow, and are known for being incredible fliers. they were on their southward migratory journey, passing through ningbo at the same time as the typhoon.
video: zhang haihua, cai ke
narration: yu keqiu
editor: li xiaoying
senior editor: pang jinyan
editorial director: ren shanwei
chief editor: ge ying
english corner
2022-10-13 16:35:53